“Monta que te quedas” is a very typical Cuban expression and its origin refers to taking the bus that once you park at the stop but it also means that you should be agile minded among others.

But without deviating on the main topic of today that would be the origin of this peculiar and native word of Cuba invented after the war for the independence of Cuba against the Spanish colony from 1898 and at that time was used to denominate different forms of transport such as military transport carriages and medium tanks.

According to its history, with the support of the United States for the independence of Cuba, not only was armament supplied, but also many American companies commercialized and supplied Cuba with a great variety of American products, due to its great economic potential and the economic advantages that they had in that period.

One of these companies was the WaWa & Co “Washington, Walton, and Company Incorporated” a US company that exported hundreds of buses to the island and whose logo was Wa & Wa. To repeat the sound Wa Wa remained the name of Guagua as a phonetic adaptation of this logo and the English word wagon.

Vintage Guagua Havana Cuba by tropicalcubanholiday.com
Vintage Guagua Havana Cuba by tropicalcubanholiday.com

Currently it is a very common word and with which the Cuban qualifies the bus, public transport etc. This word of Guagua is also used in the Canary Islands with the same objective to classify public transport. Although there has been an improvement in public transport in Cuba, it is really a daily challenge depending on the region and municipality.

City Tour by Bus “Guagua”
The so-called Havana Bus Tour offers three routes that run through the capital as well as the most interesting attractions in Havana. Due to the wide variety of attractions that Havana has two of its three routes run through the center of the capital for a value of 10 CUC and the third runs what is beach of this, better known as Playa Santa Maria for a value of 5 CUC.

Get all detail about the touristic routes of Havana

This tourist transport company specializes in the transfer of passengers to tourist destinations and main cities of the island. Your tickets must be purchased with the CUC currency and several weeks in advance.

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